Cornerstone Christian Fellowship of Orange County


Pastor Joam Martinez|Senior Pastor
My Testimony
I grew up in the faith, with believing parents. Like Timothy, I was blessed with a godly grandmother and mother who faithfully nurtured me in the Word, in prayer and in the church... In my junior year in High School, I came to understand my own sinfulness and need of a Savior. I came to realize that attending church with my family every Sunday, singing in the choir, or being this obedient, respectful, “good” boy were not guarantees for my salvation but only when I gave my life to Jesus Christ and received His gift of pardon...
In the US, after a month of church searching, God brought me to Cornerstone Christian Fellowship of Orange County in November 1997 through Ate Pros. I fit right in. I got involved in the praise and worship ministry and other ministries of the church which made me feel at home. There I met my wife, Gigi Cabrillos, who was also actively committed in the ministry. With growing needs at CCF, I accepted the call of leading the youth ministry. With not so much experience and knowledge with youth, God developed me as a servant in reaching them and bringing them to Christ...
In 2006, to better equip myself, I enrolled at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (recently renamed to Gateway Seminary) and by God’s grace I’ve graduated with a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies in 2014. Through these years God has revealed His plans clearly and fortifies my commitment for His call to the ministry. In 2009, Pastor Tim formed an ordination committee and in August of that year, I was ordained to the Gospel Ministry...
Lastly, in April of 2013, I left my secular job at Experian and fully committed my time to a full-time pastor at CCFOC, and in 2014, I accepted the position of Senior Pastor of CCFOC.

Pastor Willy Lising | Evangelism Pastor
My Testimony
When I was younger, my parents raised me within a Roman Catholic home. Before I became a Christian, I used to believe that good works was the only way to salvation. It was only during my senior year in high school, that I learned the true meaning of Christianity. This was made possible through the leading of my high school friend, Carina, who eventually became my wife. It was April 1986 when I devoted my life to Jesus and received his gift of pardon through Immanuel Methodist Church, Philippines.
When I decided to follow Christ, I began to realize that I became a different person. My outlook on life became more positive. I started to read the Bible and gradually learned the importance of growing in personal relationship with Christ. But it was not until I came in the United States, when I became involved in a ministry.
During the year 2001, I was blessed with the opportunity to move to the United State through my engineering company. Through this opportunity, God allowed me to evangelize at my workplace, and in 2002, called me to start a bible study within our office. This was one of the most challenging tasks during my Christian walk, because many people were discouraging me to start a bible study, for it might cost me my job. I trusted the Lord, however, and I’m blessed to be able to say that I am still leading that same group from 2002 until today. In addition, this bible study group at the office, also allowed me to meet several different churches, to which I was able to train spiritual leaders and preach the word of God.
In 2003, I was able to bring my family to the United States. We began to attend worship service in Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa and through the invitation of Sister Jane Cruz, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship of Orange County, in Fullerton became our home church. Through this church, God opened opportunities for me to be a part of ministries, which helped strengthen my faith. One of my first ministry involvements was in the Men’s ministry as chairman from 2004 to 2006. It was also during this time that I became a Sunday school teacher and later, a cell group leader. During the year 2006, God called me to be ordained as a deacon thru my mentor, Pastor Tim De Fiesta. Throughout my time within the Deaconship ministry, I became actively involved in the retirement ministry, discipleship ministry, and became a council moderator as well. It was also in the spring of 2006 when I decided to go to Seminary, where I took Master Degree of Theological Studies at Golden Gate Seminary, now known as Gateway Seminary in Ontario, California.
Throughout my Christian journey, God allowed me to be involved in teaching and leadership. It was in the year of 2018 when I was involved in Pastoral Ministry of the Church and on the 6th of August 2019 I was formally ordained, by Pastor Joam Martinez, as one of the pastors of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship of Orange County, to the work of “The Gospel Ministry”.
I always believed that we all live for a purpose according to how God has called us and gifted us through his grace, love and mercy. And how important it is for us to live with that purpose as Ambassadors of Christ. Knowing that one day we will all be standing before Him, while receiving us in heaven with great joy saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant; . . . Enter into the joy of your lord.” (Matthew 25:23).